Creeper's Tarot Spread eBook
tarot spreads previously exclusive to Patreon & Witch Mail
Introducing Cosmic Creeper's Spread eBooks, designed for those interested in using tarot spreads for inspiration, self-care, personal growth, reflection, and building steps toward community care.
Welcome to the purchase page for volumes 1 and 2 of my tarot spread books. Previously exclusive to my Patreon supporters, influenced by my practice of animal gnosis, therapeutic work, tarot for self-development, and expressions of creativity. Each spread features a colour photo with detailed prompts along with insights into my inspiration and intentions. With occasional additional guidance, mini-essays on key concepts, and various tips.
There are two ways to make a purchase. You can either visit my Patreon shop, which is open to everyone and place your order directly. Alternatively, you can fill in the form below, specifying what you're ordering, and I will send you a PayPal invoice. Once this is paid, you will receive a follow-up email with the ebook/s within 24 hours.
If you're using an Apple device, please note that Patreon may display inflated prices when using iOS Safari or the app. To avoid this, use an alternative browser such as Google Chrome or the form below.
When placing an order using the PayPal form, please remember to check your spam folder in your email. Both the invoice and the emailed spread book may end up there until marked as safe.